Alien Dawn . DVD
first edition

andrew hennessey

and jackie gillies


$18 US or £ 9 UK incl s&h

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Each day and night – all day and night the skies in, around and over Edinburgh are full of UFO’s.

Andrew Hennessey and local camerman Jackie Gillies have been researching and filming a great many UFO encounters – day and night – some up very close and personal close encounters … this is the amazing DVD.

Scotland has to be the busiest UFO hotspot on the planet but the question is why ?


Extra Terrestrials have been here living and working amongst us for thousands of years – the archaeological evidence for this is all around.

From ancient times they have been flying their ships above our heads.

What is so special about Scotland ?

According to Masonic tradition, Scotland used to be part of Atlantis – a global interstellar civilisation – and was called the isle of Thule.

Even Hitler wanted to buy real estate in Edinburgh, according to the debriefing documents of Rudolph Hess, at the mansion at what is now Donaldson's school for the deaf.

It may be that Atlantis will be reborn in Scotland.


Several deep underground bases and facilities are all around the city region and some of those do not appear to belong to humanity.


Charles Fort in his book New Lands – speaks of cities in the sky over the Scottish Borders that descended to the earth like a new Jerusalem from the 19th century.


See journal extracts from abductees within the Hybrid Network in Edinburgh …

ET’s have been abducting children for thousands of years – in the Scottish faerie tradition the abductees and their cloned replacements are called changeling children.


There is something major, epic and historic happening in Edinburgh ..

The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkein has many references to Edinburgh – Aragorn the returning king was of the tribe of Dunedain and Dunedain is Edinburgh’s Celtic name.

The tribe of Orc stays in Fife across the river and earl Sinclair is the Earl of Orcus, – and goblin halls is just down the road at Gifford.

The woods of King Lot of the Lothians where more people win the lottery than elsewhere in the UK , a lucky hotspot and a UFO hotspot could well be Lothlorien.

The black stone of Erec where aragorn summoned the oathbreakers  in Tolkein’s book is also the name for the stone of destiny, and Aragorn would return to replace the human stewards or Stewarts of Gondor.

There is also a Celtic tradition of nine faerie wraiths that follow a hero about.   e.g. Ninewells in Dundee.  

All of these major ideas are relevant to the Edinburgh of today, and with so many different kinds of ships flying openly in the skies we could all be on the cusp of a new age on earth – perhaps after some last battle – perhaps not.    

Black triangles are seen regularly all over the world – some say they belong to the multinational corporations that are colonising the stars.  

Hybrids have extraordinary abilities – far beyond the restrictions of humanity – they also seem to have memories and skills from a social life spanning thousands of years.  When the abducted borders poet Thomas the Rhymer was abducted in the Eildon hills by the faerie queen in the middle ages – he returned with a prophesy that Scotland would one day come into its own.





